Treasure, Week 5.5: Prayer

You might want to start from the beginning. Or at least last week

Today I am traveling with my students.  We are heading north for a week long tour of churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania with a pit stop in Delaware.  I look forward to traveling with this group of students and I look forward to meeting with the churches.

As I shared earlier in the week, I was feeling rather low in regards to leaving my family for a week.  By Thursday morning I was a nervous wreck.  I had to head back over to school for a special dinner honoring our graduates and was dreading spending yet another night away from home right before leaving for the week.  I was sitting on the couch and sobbing with Lily in my lap.  I was missing my family already and I knew this was going to be one tough week with a full day's worth of packing and preparations in front of me.  I didn't want to go, I didn't want to pack, I didn't want to miss out on one minute of family time.  I was praying but couldn't stop feeling so out of control.

I was one pitiful mess.  

Once Chris was out of the shower and ready to head for work, I went to our room and I cried on his shoulder.  He was so kind and supportive and reminded me that this was the only part of my job that I "hated" and it actually had nothing to do with the job itself, just the separation from my family.  He reminded me that I love what I do and this was the one trade off for working three days a week, getting my summers off, and being able to do what I love.

Lily came into the room and asked why I was crying.  Chris explained that I was just going to miss being with her while I was away.  

I asked Chris to pray for me. 

Out loud.    

And in a huddled party of three, my husband, my love and my rock, prayed a sweet prayer over us.  I felt the warmth from him and from Above.  It took the burden off of my shoulders as my husband carried my load for a little while.

So, while I know I will miss being at home this coming week, I know that I am covered in prayers.  I know that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

And I know my spouse has been and will be praying for me.  

We'll complete this series next Saturday morning (when I'm back at home!)  I have been so encouraged to hear from so many of you and your stories since we started this series!  
Thank you for your comments and support!  See you next week!


  1. I needed to read this tonight. I was called out to see a patient after midnight. It was a situation where I knew the patient needed something (morphine)...and it was the middle of the night and there was no way I could get it for him. I was bawling by the time I left home. Telling Aaron how much I hated my job....hated leaving my kids at night...hated the unknown of what I would find when I got there.

    My last words to Aaron were, "I never intended to be a hospice nurse". Aaron reminded me through a text that this job--though it has it's moments--is my calling. It's what Jesus has called me to do even though it isn't at all what I *want* to do. Who in their right mind WANTS to be a hospice nurse? For some reason God has destined me to be just that. To me it's just another example of being faithful to what God has called us to do/be even in times when we hate it and we don't want to do it.

    In the end, the patient was fine. And that's another story for another time because he was dying when I got there and FINE when I left him 2 hours later. It was BIZARRE!

    Thank you for posting this. I know how hard it was to leave your babies...oh boy do I know. But I know what a blessing this job is to you and what a blessing you are to your students. You are right where you are suppose to be. And I am too.

    Have fun, be safe, see you when you get back! Love ya girl!


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