Thoughts on Thursday

1.  Graduate work is DONE!  I can't believe it!  I celebrated my first nonECU student day by making PW salsa, one load of laundry, a good nap, some tv, some reading, and Rachel and Tyler came over last night to watch a movie.  I love summer vacation!!!!

2.  I feel really good about working and completing my degree in 2 years.

3.  I am SO GLAD I do not have additional degree work this year in addition to my job.  I'm looking forward to having more free time in the evenings and on my days off work.

4.  I find my body and mind are exhausted.  I've been really snippy lately with those I love the most and the sleep deprivation has hit me like a ton of bricks the past few weeks.  I have lost all motivation to leave my house or do anything that requires exertion.

5.  VBS is next week.  That's another exhausting week--but worth it for the children to learn more about Jesus.  I am hoping things calm down a little after it's over.  We'll see. . .

6.  Chris and I are hoping to take a vacation to celebrate our anniversary and my graduation in a few weeks.  We're thinking of heading to Savannah! :)

7.  I really would like to hibernate during this heat.  With a frosty beverage.  A fan.  And maybe take a nap.

8.  My cell phone is broken.  The port on the side where you insert the charger is cracked and I have NO CLUE how that happened.  I have never had a broken cell phone--I take really good care of my stuff so I'm slightly peeved that this happened.  I'm waiting on a battery charger and trying to rig up my existing one to get any amount of juice possible.  So, if you text me and I don't text you back, please don't take it personally.   Please email or call my house for the next week or so.

9.  There is a front pushing through--causing terrific headaches.

10.  Chris came home yesterday with a chinup bar, weights, and excitement about starting P90X.  I want to vomit a little thinking about it. But, maybe, just maybe, it will be something good we can do together.


  1. PX90 seems to be growing popularity around here. Only the yoga section appeals to me. Let me know what you think!

  2. hah, im trying to start p90x BACK up. ha. maybe we can do it at camp together! haha


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