
A few weeks ago, our oven died.

Trusty 7:01 was an elderly appliance and she baked her last cake on a sunny day in May.  She lived a long and happy life in her beautiful pink-countered kitchen and had lovely rolling numbers that allowed the world to remain at the same time forever.  Large as a car, she took up an impressive amount of space in the kitchen, but she cooked many a meal for the families in her care.

All was fine until it wasn't.   

The repair man told us it was impossible to fix her, and that it was time for a newer model.  Unfortunately, the expansiveness of her frame meant it wasn't as easy to find a replacement with the same width without spending a fortune.  When my husband called to tell me he had purchased an oven from Lowe's that would not fit the hole, I immediately knew I had a decision to make.  

Would I be a brat, or would I be awesome? 

Part of me really wanted to be a brat and tell him to take that oven right back to the store because it wasn't going to fit and it was going to be a nightmare to make it look acceptable.  I like things to look put together and having a 3-inch gap on either side of the oven was going to look awful and our struggling kitchen already had some decorative issues:

But, I also knew this was a prime opportunity to finally update our kitchen and bring in some character that is more reflective of our camp and family.  Also, our family has been blessed to live  in an awesome home on our sweet little camp.  It would be ridiculous to act like a big baby.

So, I decided to be awesome. 

To be continued. . . 

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