31 Days with Mama A: Heroines. (Day 10)

Hello darlings and happiest of Fridays to you!  

I thought as a special treat, I would give you a nice taste of Mama A's heroines.  These ladies have paved the way for all of us sasstacular southern girls while still using those manners their mamas drilled into their heads years ago.  These ladies have all of the class and loveliness one could ever imagine, and yet all of them have the potential to put you in your place without batting an eye.  


There are times we need to keep our thoughts and opinions and feedback to ourselves.  We Southern folk like to say, "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."  

Of course, there are some that like to say something else: 

I mean, does it get any better than Steel Magnolias, folks?  
I think not. 

If you have never sat down and watched this southern classic movie, then you need to remedy this situation.  Immediately. 

These women love Jesus, they love their families, and they love each other.  They recognize that being a lady is not just about having manners and manicures.  They know it is much, much more than a cultural thing--it is an honor and heritage that has been passed down from their mothers, and they will pass these traditions on to their children.  These ladies also know that social graces do not have a street address--they can, and should, be found in all homes no matter how big or small.  

I am appalled by the children (and adults) I encounter who have clearly not been instructed on how to behave in public places.  They smack and suck their teeth.  They talk with a big wad of gum popping in their mouths.  They hoot and holler in all the wrong public places.  They are quick to explode and have not learned how to choose their battles.  

They answer an adult's question with "huh?" or "what?"  

My southern (and southern wannabe) folks, we need to teach our children how to behave.  We need them to recognize that there are social rules and procedures that must be followed.  There are generations of families who have prided themselves with their well-mannered children.  However, while these children will inherit your last name and maybe your daddy's eye color, they will not inherit manners unless you take the time to teach them.  

You simply cannot expect children to enter this world knowing how to behave.  

They must be taught.  
They must see it modeled in the home.  
And they must be held accountable for their actions.  

To be continued. . .

Love and smooches, 
Mama A. 


  1. I'm from the Midwest, but I definitely agree with all of those values!


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