31 Days with Mama A: Adopted (Day 26).

This morning we sang about melodious sonnets while a mama in front of me held her child in her arms.   The child clearly belonged to her, but this child was gifted to her from another mother.  I don't know the circumstances that brought that child to that mama.  Maybe it was an adoption.  Maybe it was a foster situation.  It obviously didn't matter because that child sought out that mama to take care of him because the music's volume was a little too loud for his ears and he wanted to be held.  

And any mama worth her salt knows the words that were whispered into the child's ears as she rocked and tried to soothe him.  

"It's ok."

I'm so blessed to have my parents.  And even though I'm a mama myself, I sometimes still need to hear them remind me that it's all going to be ok.  I'm also fortunate to have wonderful in-laws who love me like I'm their own.  

And I've got a Father who whispers to me on a daily basis that it's all going to be alright.  

Sometimes it's hard to hear His voice because I'm so busy and distracted by all of the noise and chaos going on around me.  I get so caught up in the problems that are in my face and all I want to do is just shut the world out.  But when I'm overwhelmed by the mounting issues, I know I desperately need to take hold of His hands and simply trust that the very same hands that formed the world are currently working with the same attention to details in my life.

And that will simply have to be enough.

Love and smooches, 
Mama A. 
