Can I. . . (BTS edition)

Dear Teachers,

It's the night before BTS 2013-2014.  I've got my outfit picked out, my lunches packed, my lessons planned, and my stuff together.

At least one of these Sunday nights I'm ON IT!

I'm looking forward to a new year.  I'm looking forward to a fresh start.  I'm looking forward to new students and new lessons and new experiences.  I'm not letting The Man take it away from me.  I'm going to approach this year with a "Can I?" attitude--and I'm hoping that my simple changes in attitude will make this school year even better than the last one:

Can I take care of myself?  Can I take the time to ensure that I have enough energy for my job? Have I made healthy choices, have I given myself time for rest, and have I made my well-being a priority?  Have I had my water and fiber and avoided excessive caffeine and non-emergency chocolate? 

Can I clear my desk and emails daily/weekly?  Can I ensure that my work area is organized and ready for the next day?  Have I put out all the materials for the next morning in the event of the unexpected?  Do I have sub plans in my folder in the event a nasty bug makes it way into my home?

Can I smile more and frown less?  Can I choose to let silly things roll off my back and keep the stress off of my face?  

These mid-thirties worries can't be good for the face!  

Can I keep calm in spite of mounting deadlines and to-do lists?  Can I choose to do the next thing, and then the next--rather than skipping ahead to read the rest of the list and dissolving in an overly dramatic pity party of one? 

Can I avoid toxic situations?  Can I choose to surround myself with quality people?  Can I focus on my job rather than "what ifs"?  Can I try to leave the drama and the junk at the time of the incident rather than replaying the scenario over and over (and over) in my mind and with others? 

Can I choose to focus on the positive?  And can I remember that the negatives are minor bumps along the way?

Can I choose to do the best I can do every single day?  Can I walk out the building each day knowing that no matter what happened, I gave it my all? 

Can I change the way I see others in the building?  Can I remember to speak horizontally rather than vertically?  If I say phrases like "from the administration down" I'm indicating that there are people that are inferior to others--which is the furthest thing from the truth.  Every single person on staff with me has a job to do--and that is to best serve our students.   I need to remember to choose phrases like "across the board."

Can I leave it at school as much as possible?  Lesson plans and papers to grade and emails to make--can I get as much done during the day so I don't have to take time away with my own family?

Can I remember the small things like a card or a kind word or a sticker go a very, very long way?

Can I remember that no matter what, June will eventually roll around again and we will be rewarded with another two months of recovery? 

Good luck to you all tomorrow morning, sweet school staff members!  I hope that Monday morning brings you a nice start to our new school year!



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