Just put it down. . .

I'm catching up on laundry as Chris is away at his monthly elder's meeting.  I'm thinking about coffee, and autumn, and plans with friends, and other life-giving things I'm looking forward to in the coming weeks. 

I wanted to share a few thoughts that I shared with the women this past weekend at the Girlfriends Unlimited Kickoff.  Nothing new under the sun, but it's a good reminder for all of us--including me. . . 

. . .My thoughts keep coming back to this idea of burden and our tendency as women to be constantly under the daily burdens of life. 

It seems we are repeatedly putting these burdens into our bags and they become so laden with life events.  We are wives, we are mothers, we are sisters and daughters, we are friends, we are co-workers, we are volunteers.  We tend to carry not only our burdens, but the burdens of the ones we love the most as well.  We additionally carry the burdens of work, of finances, of home, of health, of life.  We somehow ignore that God tells us to come and lay those burdens down.  We read in Matthew 11:28-30:  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Isn’t it time for you to set some of those burdens down and let Him carry them for you?  Isn’t it time to stop being so much like Martha and embrace your Mary?  It’s time to get out of the kitchen of life and just sit down with the Master and really listen to what He has to say?  Are you so busy trying to keep it all together that you have stopped listening to what God has planned for you?

I encourage you to remember your primary role.  While being a wife, mother, friend, or a volunteer. . . is all very nice and good, I want to encourage you to remember what you were created to be.  You are the daughter of a King.  Your Heavenly Father is in charge of your kingdom and it’s time to lay some of those extra burdens down.  


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