Retrospective Morning

I love a drizzly morning.  My house stays dark and cozy and there's a stillness in the house that even my 3 year old can't touch.

My coffee is my security blanket and I journal and read and reflect on all that is right and wrong in the world this morning.

A doctor's appointment that needs to go well.  Prayers spoken for family members--two in particular. 

A friend's words that cut deeply this past weekend.  And later, an unexpected and gentle prodding to not take it too personally from a respected acquaintance.  

Measuring one's worth.  Why do earthly scales always seem to outweigh heavenly ones?

Smiles for a friend with an unexpected pregnancy.  Prayers for another who is waiting beyond her due date for her child to arrive.  

Bills, bills, bills.  Where do they come from and who let them multiply like rabbits in the middle of the night?

As women, we tend to carry the weight of the world (and our families, and jobs, and church, and housework, and and and. . . )  We walk around with mental to-do lists and tasks, face mountains of laundry, and live by calendars and schedules.

We're crushed because we carry burdens in addition to our own.

We aspire to be the superwomen that surround us, but are often left feeling like we're falling short.

We long for simplicity, but we also want excitement.

We are complex and curious creatures.

And there are several of us who hear you, see you, and are just like you.  

To be continued on March 1st. 


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