Sunday Shout Outs

These are some ladies I consider to be particularly great.  I hope you'll check them out:

Caroline and her family are currently living in South Africa working with Samaritan's Feet.  She's an eastern NC girl and we went to ECU together.

Emilie is one of my students.  She aspires to be a missionary and loves eastern European techno folk.  Well, that might not be 100% true, but she loves the people who live there.

Rachel and her family are my extended family.  And by extended I mean that we don't share any genes.  But, I'm sure our trees are in the same forest.

Laura and I met via blogging.  We finally met randomly one Sunday morning at the children's check-in area at our church when her family moved to the area.  It was my first time telling someone I didn't know, "Oh!  I read your blog!"  She's a homeschooling mama and hospice nurse.

And finally. . .

These ladies are professional bloggers and deserve your attention:  Emily and The Pioneer Woman.  I adore their words.  They rank up there with McD's french fries, vacation, and good music.

Happy Reading!


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