Super Saturday

This morning I woke up and decided to run over to the mall because one of my favorite clothing stores was having an awesome sale on their pants (buy one get one free).  I used to shop all the time and buy a ridiculous amount of clothes or whatever because I felt like I needed them.  If I didn't have the money I'd just plunk down my store credit card and voila! have a whole new ensemble.  I have never felt like a cute girl, but I would buy really cute clothes and then pretend to be cute.  This continued until I had Molly and then all of the sudden all my money went towards taking care of her needs and my priorities shifted.  I really didn't need new clothes and I sort of wanted to hide my less than stellar post-baby body.  I also lost all sense of style and what is actually stylish and what the key pieces are for the current season.

AND Chris and I have been very mindful of our spending for the past two years and have made a point not to put unnecessary items on credit. We've closed all of our store cards (with the exception of Lowe's and Best Buy because they offer credit terms without interest--essentially like layaway which I am a total fan of on big ticket items--and we ALWAYS pay them off by the end of the term) and have narrowed our debt down to one credit card with a smaller balance in comparison to what we've had in the past.

I also recognize that I am neither 6 feet tall nor rail thin and that fashion is not aimed for a regular girl like myself.  However, there is a part of me that really likes to feel cute.  And any girl that denies that is a liar.  I don't care what she says--we like to feel cute/pretty/hot/attractive.  

Cute means different things to different girls, but we all crave the need to feel comfortable in our own skin.

So this morning I went to the mall and looked for several key pieces to enhance my fall wardrobe.  I was given a set amount to spend by Chris.  I am so fortunate that I'm only in the office 3 days a week so I do not have to have quite the extensive wardrobe.  I also really appreciated the fact that Chris kept the girls at home so I could go by myself.  I didn't feel like I had to rush and I could just sort of browse around.

I'm happy to report that I did find some clothes items for GREAT prices (I am pleased to report that I stayed within $15 of my budgeted amount--and saved almost $150 on my purchases) and I feel pretty good about starting the new school year.  The fashion police will most likely not see me as a major offender (I hope!) nor will I receive a badge of honorable mention, but I feel ok.

And I'm ok with feeling ok. :)


  1. Mrs. Avery! I think you always look cute. But, I think you should borrow my Clinton Kelly book (the queer guy from what not to wear). It's my second Bible and changed my life. If you want to peek at it let me know and I'll drop it by for you.


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