Here We Go! Here We Go AGAIN!

What has to occur in the next month:

Gospel Rally next Thursday and Friday (which means a night away from home)
Pre tour Info. in the mail by tomorrow to our hosting churches
Guitar lesson every Tuesday or Thursday
Video Class performing and load for web class
Video myself teaching and load for web class
Work on independent study activities for diversity class
Performance in Elizabeth City (night away from home)
Performance in Chesapeake (night away from home)
Tour (one entire week away from home)
Take Molly's St. Patrick's Day Green snack to school (once I figure out what exactly it will be--individually wrapped, healthy, and green--and not expensive!)

These are just my school and work obligations.  I won't even get into the weekly things that have to occur around the house and church.

I am feeling slightly stressed.  I have a lot of stuff to do and a lot of nights I will have to be away from home.  I hate being away for a night--I'm really dreading being away 10 days in the next month.  I know it's not all the time, but I really hate it.  It makes it difficult on Chris and keeping up with all of the stuff that occurs with Molly in school, the house, and church.  It's hard to balance it all by yourself--hats off to you single parents out there!

I also just really, really, really miss my family when I'm gone.

I also have a tendency to worry--what if something happens to them while I'm gone?  What if something happens to me while I'm gone?

I hate that feeling.  It's not like I have control over it--something could just as easily happen to me while I'm driving around town, but it still stresses me out.  I vacillate between feeling ok and feeling not ok.

Please pray for safety for all, peace of mind, and the good opportunity our students have to share the gospel.


  1. you could make green rice crispy treats :) just add some food coloring :)

  2. I thought about that, too.

    Unfortunately, the snack rule this year is nothing homemade (have to buy it), must be individually wrapped, and must be healthy. Ugh.

  3. Do they make green yogurt or go-gurt?

  4. hey, if you ever need help with anything, school work (grading papers, helping teach a class or two cause i did it freshmen year for Ms. B) or anything like babysitting, whatever and I am free. then just ask! :)

  5. Erin--you're awesome. I seriously may take you up on that offer soon. If you see steam coming from my ears please rescue me!!!! ;)


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