How He Loves Us. . .

I'm sure you've seen the links to my church's cardboard testimony from last Sunday.  Chris told me beforehand that it was not going to be pretty--he's the only person I know that cries as much as I do.  And, he was right.  It's one thing when you see the original on YouTube--it's a whole different story when you know the people and they are your friends and you've been through the dark parts with them.

Even though Chris and I weren't there holding up a sign, we were standing with the people.

We cried with them, we were afraid with them, we rejoiced with them, and we praised God with them.

It's so hard to watch your loved ones suffer like that.  I know that His divine timing is perfect, but sometimes I wonder why in the WORLD we have to go through this pain.

On a lighter note, we did get to see a lot of families we hadn't seen in a while---caught up on good memories and rejoiced about what the Lord has done in our church family.  It's incredible--absolutely incredible.  It was great to see the Holtons--I miss, miss, miss them.  Their girls were some of Molly's favorite playmates, and Chuck and Joanna were a lot of fun to talk to and hang out with.  Some of my favorite memories with them were the staff retreats or meals when we would get together and laugh and talk.

I miss those days.

But, I look at our church staff now with the addition of the Woolards and the Clarks and I can't imagine ministry without them either.  They are some great people and we are so fortunate to have them with us.

As the church gets bigger and busier, I hope we all remember to take the time to cultivate friendships and love on each other.  Yes, it's hard when there is always so much ministry to be done--but somewhere in there you have to love on the people right inside your building as well.  It's hard for me sometimes--I really just want to be with my family when I get home from church and work--but we need to fellowship with our people OUTSIDE of our church obligations.

Besides, we shouldn't feel obligated to want to love on each other, should we?

We've kicked off the new semester at MACU.  I love working there--I still have moments in my office that I say, "Wait a minute. . .this is my JOB???" I love talking with the students, working with them, praising with them.  What a cool opportunity I have.  Some of my students impress me with their wisdom and insight--they are going to be GREAT leaders one day in the church.  It's a completely different atmosphere than my days at ECU.  There are only about 150 full time students at MACU.  My goodness, we had more than that in the music building alone at ECU.  I was one of 20,000+ students.  Crazy.  I mean, I had classes with more that 100 people in them!  Anyone else take those crazy science or art lecture classes???

I can't imagine going to such a small school--but I can see how it would be nice in some ways.

Well, Lily and I have some serious business to take care of:  watching Ooh and Ahh, washing sheets, and dancing with our princess crowns on.  I hope everyone has a good day!
