Cooking with Foods that Rot

Chris and I have been very poor eaters since we've been married.

We were broke as a JOKE when we first got married, then moved to a place that had poor appliances (the oven gave off fumes when it warmed--I was pregnant--not ok), then we had children and all their yummy box contained foods, and we're just busy and lazy.

I would call myself a good cook.  I like the science of cooking--experimenting, bringing flavors together, feeling GREAT when I deliver something yummy to my family.  I'm not Julia Child, but I'm a good cook.  I just usually don't have good ingredients or make the time to do so.  

We've had this ongoing dialogue about how we need to eat better and then we don't.

I can feel my body feeling the burn and agony of gross and poor nutrition.

A few years ago we watched the documentary "Super Size Me" and were really good about avoiding McDonald's for a while.  Then Molly discovered her love of the Happy Meal and we rediscovered the joys of not having to cook.

Blah.  Vicious cycle.

So, I, too, like Lauren and Oprah, have discovered this Food, Inc craze and I'm starting to see the value of eating well.

So, I'm starting with baby steps.  I'm going to attempt to try to cook at least one meal a day comprised of real food.  Or, in Pollan-ease--foods that will eventually rot.

Poptarts do not rot.
Cheetos do not rot.
Chefboyardee or however you spell it will never, ever rot before Jesus returns.  Gross.

Will I cook 100% organic?   Not right away, but I'm looking into it.

My goal for week one--use fresh ingredients, unboxed, unprepared, or ones that will indeed eventually go bad (my dairy products obviously will be canned/packaged) and see what happens.

I'm going to be searching for some yummy meals and if I run across any that work I'll let you know.

Today's meal:  Baked Potato Soup from scratch--IN THE CROCKPOT!!!  Perfect for a day like today!


  1. Oooh, that soup sounds delicious! I have stuff to do chicken and pastry for tonight.

    I think it is just about making little changes. Some convenience foods are hard to give up--like last night, instead of making a frozen pizza, we got stuff to make our own with just the pre-packaged crust. So at least we knew what was going into the pizza. And I read a lot of ingredient labels and am a lot more discerning about which products I choose. There is a list of which items are most likely to have high levels of insecticides or be genetically modified in some way that would be most important to buy organic, but I can't do all organic. I'm probably about 75% now (but then I see D'Anjou pears that aren't organic and they look soooo good and so I get those, too. That kinda thing.)

    So good luck with it and let me know how it goes!

  2. Yay for you!!! I highly recommend you get the book Cooking Light's 5 Ingredient 15 Minute Cookbook. It's fabulous for anyone, especially busy working moms like us. It has some great recipes, some for the crockpot, some not. Either way, I think you'll fall in love!

    PS. Victoria requested Sausage & Black Bean Soup for her birthday, it was from that book.


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