
I'm looking forward to the very last chapel of this semester at MACU.  The president and I have decided to include a lot of music, and since it will be the last one before the holidays, we'll be using a lot of Christmas music.

I, for one, am a total Christmas-music-holic.

Bring on the sleigh bells, break out the fas and las, and get your jingles on!!!!

Folks--this girl L-O-V-E-S the season!!!!

I have been mulling over my thoughts for the service, which songs to choose. . .themes. . .

For me, Christmas (besides the obvious birth of our Lord and Savior) is about home.  Home, family, traditions.  Those warm and snuggly evenings around the tree, watching great movies like "Rudolph" and "Charlie Brown Christmas."  Seeing the love and cheer on children's faces.  Candlelight services and fabulous music.  Baked goods and cider.

Right now, as I look at the news and all of the awful, terrible, no good, very bad things going on in this community and world, I must constantly remind myself:  THIS IS NOT MY HOME.

My home is with Jesus in Heaven and He, and all of our loved ones who have passed on before us, are waiting for us to meet Him there.  

My home is a place where hurt doesn't live.

My home is a place where tears don't exist (except maybe tears of joy--or maybe our hearts and minds will be so complete that we have enough room for immense joy. . .)

My deepest desire is that you all will be welcomed into my Heavenly Father's home.

I think about the deep, deep longing of the Jewish people as they anxiously awaited their Savior.  Their souls cried out for someone to rescue them.  And now, 2000 years later, our souls are deeply, deeply longing for the return of the very same Savior.

The One who will rescue us, heals us, and take us home.

 Come, thou long expected Jesus, 
 born to set thy people free; 
 from our fears and sins release us, 
 let us find our rest in thee.  
 Israel's strength and consolation, 
 hope of all the earth thou art; 
 dear desire of every nation, 
 joy of every longing heart.



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