To Do

1.  Must complete analysis of William Grant Still's Afro American Symphony
2.  Must write 7-10 page paper about my analysis
3.  Must prepare outline for class about my analysis
4.  Must prepare presentation about my analysis for a 25 minute talk
5.  Must clean entire home because company is coming next week for the whole week. 
6.  Should paint Molly's room since I sort of promised we would (this was before camp and other series of events) 
7.  Must complete class notes for MACU
8.  Must go to MACU at some point to take care of face-to-face concerns
9.  Must find motivation. 
10.  Must ensure that Lily has not broken/sprained/strained her ankle by wrapping in tape and keeping an eye on it this weekend (doctor's orders)
11.  Must pick up Lily because she falls and cries every time she forgets she can't put weight on that foot/ankle.  
12.  Must wait for eye office to call about Lily's prescription (because she's blind as a bat apparently--which may explain her constant falling and eye crossing). 
13.  Must remind myself to breathe. 

Here we go (here we go again).


  1. Whew!!! That is a lot.

    But, you WILL do it because you are competent and capable and completer of lists :)

    Sorry about Lily's foot.

  2. I can remind you to breathe if you like......ok...breathe!...then do it again in a few seconds repeat as necessary.
    you'll get it all done because you're awesome! and you have nifty list to provide motivation every time you check something off.

  3. me oh my chick...good news is you're getting a pedicure tomorrow!


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