
Yet another rainy day.  I really don't mind--especially because the temperatures are so chilly.  I'm sure if it was nice and warm I'd be annoyed, but if I have to be cooped up inside, I'd rather it be a rainy day that I can snuggle with my kids under blankets and not get warm.  I have a little bit of homework to do, a load or two of laundry, and some things to prepare for the coming week, but nothing too excessive.  I'm going to enjoy this afternoon before the craziness of the work week starts again. 

Still no news about anything.  I feel a little torn about the situation.  I'm not happy or sad either way it works out, I'm just sort of "whatever" I guess.  The mommy side of me was really looking forward to it, while the practical side would like to keep my family above water.  We'll see. 

Perhaps I'll hear something this week. 

If you've been praying with me about this, please pray that I will receive a specific answer.  I'm asking that the answer be God's will, and as clear as day.  I guess my prayer is that if the conversation is positive, then it means yes, and if it's a negative, then it's no.  I don't want to have to wonder "what it?" or "what do I do?" or let my emotions or practicality win.  I want it to be whatever God wants, and then we'll go from there.  Chris and I have always been taken care of, and we have relied on God in some major situations.  No matter what, I know we will be ok.  I think that's what makes this so easy for me to stomach.  Of course I'm interested to see what happens, and my stomach gets a little flip-floppy, I know that at the end of the day, things will be fine.  Whatever.  I'm not in control, so I need not waste time worrying about it.  

It is what it is.

So, I should probably hop to my to-do list while I have another half hour or so of nap time.  

I need to find a new place to hang my calendar.  The one my mother gave me for Christmas is very nice, but the paper is heavier and I'm having a hard time getting it to stay on my fridge.  I need my daily reminder, but I need a clever place to put it.  Any suggestions?   


  1. What a great way to ask us to pray - specific and clear as day. I shudder to think of all the time and energy I've wasted thinking thoughts like you mentioned...."what if, what do I do?"

    So...you got it girl. I am praying exactly what you asked.


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