Mommy Prayer Request

So, sweet Molly is going to school in less than two weeks.  On Tuesday, I called her school and asked if they stagger kindergarten the first few days (they do).  I then asked that because my work requires me to be out of town on MWF if her first day of school could be on Tuesday so I could walk her in and celebrate this milestone with my child.  The office lady said, "Sure."  

So, apparently yesterday, "Sure" is no longer sure. I'm guessing from the message that Rachel (who is keeping my girls 2 days a week now) they are not going to let us request what day our child starts school.  So, there is a possibility that I will not get to take Molly to school on her first day.  

I'm really, really, really upset by this.  

I understand that if EVERY parent requested a certain day, then there would be no way to accommodate every parent.  

I also know from teaching in the system that every parent does NOT request a certain day.  

I also know from teaching in the system that it is not that hard to put a child on Day A verses Day B.  

It upsets me so much to know there is a possibility I won't be there for her on her very first day of school.  I am so teary thinking about it.  And I can't tell Molly that I'm worried, or SHE will get worried (and we all know how anti-school she is these days). 

So, if you will please pray specifically with me that Molly will start school on Tuesday, or that Amanda will be able to work things out so she can walk her in to the building.  

Just that one sentence.  

Thank you very much.  


  1. Being in the schools too, I know that exceptions are made. Sometimes, though, its the squeaky wheel that gets what it needs. Know what I mean? Do you know yet who her teacher will be? Not sure if you talked to office staff or the teacher. I think most teachers want parents who are actively involved in their child's education, so I can't imagine a Kindergarten teacher not understanding and trying to accommodate this simple request. I would be as upset as you are. I'll be praying that it will work out and trust God to do the rest.

  2. Thanks Lori. I originally talked to the office staff and had my request approved. Then, the principal overruled the request stating if "she did it for one, she would have to do it for all."

    So, I'm going to have to wait and see.


  3. Ok, so not the best introduction to that school!! I am so sorry that you are having to go through this but I am praying for you...specifically for what you asked me to pray for. It is such a special occasion that you need to be there!! Can you possible adjust your work schedule if needed? I know it's a new job but things like this happen...just a thought!

  4. I think I'd let Molly be conveniently "sick" on the first day of school. Ok, so maybe I wouldn't lie about it . . . but maybe I'd say we just weren't ready to start on Monday. Hope you get things worked out. Will keep you in my prayers!!!

  5. Oh Amanda.......
    I am upset with you.
    When do you find out?
    And yes I will pray that one sentence. Very specifically.

    Love you

  6. I am praying and I agree with Laura....I would go in on Tuesday and I would just say we were not ready to start on Monday but we are here today.
    As a seasoned mommy I would just tell Molly that you want to be a part of the first day with her and so "Her first day" will be Tuesday. What's one day. She will always remember that you did things different and sometimes different is better.


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